


Our Distributors Around the World

We are world leaders in the use of fiber based technologies to prevent loss during the drilling process and we have developed a unique range of products which are proven to save our customers considerable time and cost through optimizing well productivity and payzone extraction.


Rev-1 PT OBM Drilchem is privately owned and successful manufacturer and provider of specialty drilling fluid additives to the global drilling industry. We develop products which are specifically designed to improve the efficiency of the drilling process thereby savings our customers considerable time and cost and allowing for optimum well productivity.

About PT. OBM Drilchem:

Founded by Mohammad As’ad and Ryanto Husodo in 1996, PT OBM Drilchem was created to solve some of the most challenging drilling operations needs of the oil and gas industry, lost circulation and wellbore stability.

Ryanto Husodo
President Director

Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav 50-52, Jakarta
Mobile: (+62) 816 808 351

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Our customers cross a broad spectrum of the oil and gas industry and include some of the largest service companies and oil companies right through to the smaller niche operators and service companies.