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Our Office
- Address: PT OBM DRILCHEM. Dipo Business Center, 7th Floor, Suite 7E, Jl Gatot Subroto Kav 50-52 Jakarta 10260 – Indonesia
- Phone:+62-21-3005-1341
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Business Hours
- Monday - Friday : 8am to 8pm
- Saturday : 9am to 14pm
Contact Sales
- Ryanto Husodo
- Sales Director
- Phone: (+62) 816 808 351
- Phone: (+61) 418 825 295
- Ayudyah Widyahening
- Sr. Sales Manager
- Phone: (+62) 818 718 985
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Contact Technical
- Starly Hartono
- Chief Technical Officer
- Phone: (+62) 812 3409 760
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Contact Factory
- Phone: +62-267-433-234
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Frequently Asked Questions
PT OBM Drilchem is an Indonesian manufacturing Company specializing in the development of specialty drilling fluid additives for borehole stability/strengthening as well as proprietary Lost Circulation Materials for curing severe losses. The company founded by Mr. Mohammad As’ad and Mr. Ryanto Husodo in January 1996.
Mud losses can occurs to six various types of formations; a). highly permeable formations (permeable sand or depleted sand formations), b). natural fractures, micro fractures c). induced fractures, d). vugular/carvernous formations
As a result of many years of testing and development we have created two distinct product lines which have proven to be exceptionally successful in addressing even the most severe fluid loss and our products are non damaging to producing formations as well as environmentally friendly ie. 100% biodegradable.
These products are designed to be used proactively in the drilling fluid to prevent seepage to partial loss during the drilling process which is the main initial cause to wellbore instability. Added to the drilling fluid continuously during the process these products will seal any micro fracture/fractures which will prevent any fluid loss and consequently preventing fluid contact to shales or unconsolidated sand hence wellbore stability can be achieved and substantially reduce non productive time (NPT).
These products are designed to be used as pills to cure severe to total loss situations. Kept on the rig as a standby to Reactively treat severe loss circulation and they are to be deployed through circulating sub or open ended string. It is very unlikely that these products are able to cure total loss situation when there is no weight on bit (free falling into a huge cavern or fault).
The different are determined from the product raw materials it self and the specially engineered particle size distribution. Our LCM are made from organic fibers and specific type of inorganic material combined with the specially engineered particle size distribution of the products are very effectively in sealing micro fractures highly permeable formations and its filter cake is impermeable.
Yes, our products are patented for the following countries: Indonesia, Australia and India.
Sales Technical
STOPLOSS and FRACSEAL LCM is a stable material and does not have an expiry date. However the packaging can be compromised due to extended exposure to the elements (Ultra Violet Light via sunlight and rain), hence the recommendation in our supplied MSDS, for storage in a covered area is noted. Once the packaging has been compromised, the material can become water logged, clumpy and impossible to be utilised effectively in a field application.
It is specially engineered organic fibers to Function sealing any permeability from micro fractures to highly permeable formations such as unconsolidated sand. When mix/added into active mud system and or added into sweep pills and spotting pills, it make filter cake impermeable and prevent any fluid penetrating the wellbore thus making the wellbore stable. Wellbore instability is the result of fluid penetration into the wellbore. This impermeable filter cake also significantly reduce torque and drag, stabilizes shales, coal and unconsolidated sands formation, improve return permeability, no restriction to pumping through any BHA. Packaging: 1 pallet=40 sax; 1 sax= 25lbs
Normal initial concentration is 6-8 ppb in drilling fluids system but can be increased if there is sign of seepage loss or tight hole.
Acid soluble proprietary additive specially designed for drilling through payzone formations and also will provide wellbore stability, it functions in the same manner as Fracseal fibers. Function as: Loss prevention material when mix into active system and can be used as spotting pill, the DRIL-EZY filter cake can easily be removed by peel off (by reversing pressure) or by soaking with acid, no restriction to pumping through any BHA. Packaging: 1 pallet= 40 sax; 1 sax= 40 lbs.
10 ppb will give excellent wellbore stability and because of its matrix creating a one way impermeable filter cake it prevents fine clay/drill solid particles from entering the pores as well as effectively seal producing from any losses.
Proprietary single sack blend of specialized biodegradable materials. Function: to cure severe to total loss circulation material in non reservoir section, the Stoploss Pill must be pumped through open end pipe or circulating sub or large jets (with minimum port dia: 1”). Also provides near wellbore strengthening capabilities in unconsolidated formations or brittle formations. Packaging: 1 pallet= 40 sax; 1 sax= 25 lbs.
Normal concentration is 50 ppb (pounds per barrel) . Concentration can be increased up to 70 pounds per barrel depending the severity of the loss and type of formation.
Proprietary single sack blend of specialized Acid Soluble materials. Function: Loss circulation material for curing severe to total losses also applicable in reservoir section, the SOLU-SEAL Pill must be pumped through open ended pipe/string or circulating sub (minimum port dia: 1”). Packaging: 1 pallet=40 sax; 1 sax= 40 lbs.
Normal concentration is 100 ppb (pounds per barrel). The SOLU-SEAL filter cake can be removed by acid.
The active containing FRACSEAL or DRIL-EZY works simply by sufficient over balance of the mud weight, it will form a thin and strong impermeable filter cake or it will seal any micro fractures/fractures thus preventing drilling fluid penetrating deep into the formations. Contact of drilling fluid to formations is the main cause of wellbore instability especially chemically sensitive shales and in unconsolidated sand formations the impermeable filter cake will strengthen the formation preventing it from collapse/sloughing.
The special engineered range of Particle Size will form a matrix and combined with drill solids from the mud will effectively seal big fractures/vugs.
A standard mixing and spotting procedure has been set up in order for effective deployment of the pill, this SOP will ensure when drilling ahead no LCM materials are left in the flow line.
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Immediate response to a problem like this would be to set a maximum acceptable loss rate and drill ahead with high ROP. When just circulating and rotating they will wash away the LCM more efficiently than while drilling and creating cuttings and to make sure that hesitation squeeze is allowed as per standard SOP. ( refer to operation in Pakistan).
STOPLOSS LCM does Not form a Settable Cake (cement, resins polymeric agents etc). The plug formed does Not develop compressive strength.
STOPLOSS LCM contains a very broad range PSD. These particles form a dense plug into and across the loss paths (fractures, vugs and in unconsolidated formations spaces), when left to settle for the recommended 34 hours soak period. Post this soak period, application of moderate PSI (via ECD or up to 250psi) on the plug, squeezes it further into the loss paths as well as dehydrating it in place, leaving an impermeable sealed plug in place . The plug left within the wellbore can be washed out leaving the loss zone sealed and strengthened as in the case of an unconsolidated zone (Gravel beds etc). The plug formed has been tested on a 500 micron slotted disc at up to 3800psi, for 30 mins with Zero Leak-Off. ( refer to operation in Saudi Arabia).
These valves are not designed for pumping a fluid with such solid content as STOPLOSS pill. Please avoid to pump STOPLOSS thru pumping unit.