The Challenge :
A seepage / partial mud loss must be stopped before logging the hole can be done in the 8½” hole at 9,218 ft. The 8½” open hole interval to log was 2,260 ft. Determining the loss point of a seepage loss in a long open hole section was not easy.
The Action :
Spotted 40 bbl of 95 ppb SOLU-SEAL at 9,218 ft, followed by a hesitation squeeze. Had to pump twice the SOLU-SEAL pills and hesitation squeeze before the losses were controlled.
The Result :
After spotting two SOLU-SEAL pill, the hole was static to proceed with the logging operation. The whole SOLU-SEAL application process was conducted with the direct supervision of the operator. The job was successfully conducted by the Operator with no Drilchem engineer on the rig.